Info Elekezi

Just another WordPress site

The least we can do for Entrepreneurs and SMEs is to develop systems that answer the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How for their businesses.

Find out more!

Our Products

Our products lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.

Info Mjengo

In Property Management, there are many daily activities and processes to be undertaken. From guest relations, inventory management, maintenance etc.,Read more ›

Info Sheria

The Lawyer, the Client and the Law Firm which is the business? Correct, it is the Law Firm. Info SheriaRead more ›

Info Urembo

It is never too small a business to generate valuable information required for growth. Info Urembo understands just how Salons,Read more ›

Risk Management and Compliance

Non-compliance is a threat to your investment! Not knowing the threats to your investment is a risk! With this product,Read more ›

Info Mgahawa

What does it take to sell food or drinks to a client in a Restaurant, Cafe, Pub or Bar? AsRead more ›

Nilipo Deliveries

Clients are constantly seeking for convenience! How is your business positioned to deliver this convenience? Nilipo Deliveries is an automatedRead more ›

Nipate Hapa

What happens if you have a product to sell or a service that buyers and clients don’t know about? YouRead more ›

Amazing Features

Features lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna.

Sales Module

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Inventory Module

Our systems automatically manage your inventory once an inventory is purchased, sold and/or spoilt.

Strategic Dashboard Module

Our colourful and informative dashboard with embedded charts gives you a quick overview of your business as a decision-maker, with options to analyse your sales/expenses weekly, monthly or annually.

Flexible Customization

Build your system of choice by picking the modules that meet your business needs and budget.

Mobile and Web-based Applications

Info Elekezi systems are web-based and developed both for computers or Android-based smartphone or tablet.

Work Offline or Online

With or without the internet, you can still perform business transactions without interference.


E-mail and SMS integration

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Cash Box Module

With our Till module, our systems enable you to know how much your business has made and cash available at any given time.

Human Resources Management Module

Maintain a Staffing Table, monitor staff attendance and run payroll (coming soon).

Clients/Suppliers Directory Module

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Reports Module

Info Elekezi integrated Reports Module provides for a range of reports for your business, which you can export to excel, save as PDF file or print.

Expenses Module

Our Expense/Purchase module allows for “flexible” categorization of expenses to help you understand where you spend your money the most.

Our Introductory Video

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